Saturday, August 16, 2014

"Cosmic Cashew Yogurt" By David Wolfe

Cosmic Cashew Yogurt is not my recipe, but it's too good not to share.  I got it from Eating for Beauty by David Wolfe.
First, soak 1/3 cup organic cashews in spring water overnight.
Ingredients: 4 fresh young Thai coconuts, organic hemp seeds, organic coconut oil, 2 organic lemons, organic maple syrup (grade B) and an organic vanilla bean.
Crack all four coconuts.  I used a meat clever to whack a square on the top and pry the top off.

Pour the milk from 2 coconuts into the vitamix, save the milk from the other 2 for the I Can Do Anything Elixer (recipe to follow).  Scrape the coconut meat from all four coconuts into the vitamix.  Be care full not to get any husk or rind in your yogurt, it ruins the smooth, creamy texture.

Blend milk and meat until smooth.

Add soaked cashews and hemp seeds.

Juice 2 lemons, pull out the seeds and add to the mix, another great place for your little chief to help!

Add 2 tablespoons of organic coconut oil and 3 tablespoons organic maple syrup.  We have also used honey and dates with the pit pulled out, all three are delicious sweeteners.

Scrape the black out of an organic vanilla bean.  I use a paring knife, cut the bean lengthwise and use a spoon to scrape out the inside.

Blend all ingredients on high until smooth and creamy.
I pour three quarters of the yogurt in to a glass pirex with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.  With the remaining quarter I add whatever fruit I have on hand, today we used about a cup and a half combined organic strawberries and raspberries.

Blend again until your fruit is the size of chunks you like.  Yogurt will thicken a little as it cools.  If you like a thicker yogurt, add a quarter cup chia seeds, soaked for 20 minutes is a cup of your coconut milk, before the last blend.  Garnish with orange mint and berries.  Enjoy for breakfast, snack or a healthy dessert! 
Serves 6-8

Friday, August 8, 2014

World's Best Tuna

World's best tuna...according to Bendy:)  He is French... This is my family's favorite lunch, in many forms & yes, all of that is going in the tuna!
Cut 1 stalk of celery, one heart of palm, 2 pickles (get some extras out for the fam, pickles bring people to the kitchen) in quarters & then chunks.  Coarsely chop a quarter red onion, a green onion including the white, half a tomato, half an avocado and one handful of mama's dilly beans. One scoop of capers (if your mom doesn't can green beans) or if you just like them.  Quarter 10 olives, we like the green ones from TJ's. (Much like pickles, get out some extras if you want 10 in your salad... finger puppet bandits...)  Add all this veggie magic to your tuna.
Now for the condiments: huge rounded spoonful of basil mustard (any kind will do), quarter cup organic mayonnaise, serious drizzle of lemon olive oil.
Spice it up!  I do dill, sumac (if you aren't familiar, stay tuned, this stuff is awesome!), salt & pepper to taste.  Mix it up.  This tuna salad is amazing as a stuffing for endive leaves or romaine hearts.  Makes tuna sandwiches worthy of a parade, if your feeling chilly put it on some bread with cheese in the toaster oven for 5 minutes. For tonight's dinner I topped a green salad with it: organic romaine, organic carrots, another green onion, the other half of the tomato & avocado.  Dressing is NOT required:)

Kate made organic toast with coconut oil & garlic. Serves 4 with 2 sandwiches for lunch the next day.  Super proud of this one, enjoy!!!!

Healthy Snacking

Super easy, healthy snacking.  Chop veggies, put them in spring water, in the refrigerator & when you have the munchie-craving something crunchies, or the kids are hungry & you are busy...voila!
Organic carrots of many colors (yes, again Trader Joe's) & organic radishes.  Other family favorites: cucumbers, bell peppers, fennel, broccoli & cauliflower. Also makes a great gluten free replacement for dipping in hummus. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mama's Loaded Green Beans

Healthy version of a delicious family favorite.
Wash and snap 3 large hand-fulls of fresh organic green beans.  This is a great place for the young ones in your life to help make dinner:)
Cut a half of a small red onion in long strips. Cut about 8 ounces (half package) of turkey bacon in 1 inch strips.  Put all ingredients in a fry pan with a quarter cup of coconut oil and coarse salt, pepper and garlic to taste.

Saute over medium high heat until the onions are opaque.  Do not over cook!  Over cooking vegetables ruins their texture, flavor and nutritional value.  Taste as you go! Serves 4-6